As I noted earlier, The Berkeley City Council withdrew their slightly impolite letter to the USMC recruitment office in Berkeley BEFORE THEY EVEN SENT IT.
Well, that just isn't good enough for the right-wing fucks in Sacramento and DC.
After flooding Berkeley with non-local military recruitment supporters and all around fascist nuts,
the right-wing still insists on some sort of "apology" for something that never happened.
Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., introduced the Semper Fi Act on Feb. 6 to rescind more than $2 million earmarked for Berkeley in the 2008 fiscal year. The bill would transfer the money to the Marine Corps! In a statement Wednesday, DeMint said he had no intentions to pull the legislation. I guess South Carolina will now decide the fate of Berkeley, CA.
Congressman John Campbell, R-Calif., has introduced a companion bill to the Semper Fi Act in the House of Representatives; that bill has 71 co-sponsors.
Assemblyman Guy Houston, R-San Ramon said Wednesday that he is not dropping plans to push forward with a bill to punish Berkeley's stance against Marine recruiting by withholding $3.3 million in state funds from the city.
These assholes will not stop until they blackmail The City Of Berkeley or harm its children by imposing foreign will on the city.
Millions of dollars for Berkeley's children is at stake here!
Liberal, progressive, and radical forces need to join together to ensure that liberal or perhaps slightly progressive stances in our Bay Area communities have the strength to stand against these attacks!
For starters, just drop the fuckers listed above an email pressuring them to drop their bills taking money away from Berkeley's children. (email links are provided above)
In a funny side note:
Pro-fascist group, Move America Forward; the largest pro-military group in the country, is "countering Berkeley's shameful conduct," by sending three tons of candy, cookies, coffee and beef jerky to troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.