Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Berkeley v. USMC

On Jan.29, 2008, the Berkeley City Council approved a resolution calling the U.S. Marines' recruiting office on Shattuck Avenue "uninvited and unwelcome intruders."

The resolution immediately caused a backlash against the city, prompting Republicans in Washington and Sacramento to introduce legislation to take money away from Berkeley schools and other institutions.
The heated right-wing press fueled 24,000 emails to the City Council opposed to the resolution and pressured the Council to back away from the resolution.

The Berkeley City Council is set to revisit the resolution tonite (2/12/08). As early as 6am pro-Marine supporters were protesting in Berkeley. They were met by liberal anti- USMC recruitment groups such as Code Pink and Not In Our Name.

Perhaps, this is not a big deal. Berkeley liberals love passing non-binding resolutions making themselves feel superior. I also can't imagine the recruitment of Berkeley youth is too high.

However, this does show the power and force with which the right-wing mobilizes to attack Berkeley. Republicans have essentially blackmailed Berkeley. As if a city is not allowed federal support unless they toe the federal line.
You can fuckin' bet state and federal forces don't threaten to withhold school funding when right-wing southern states assert their sovereignty and reject progressive laws/trends! Those same right-wingers also pressure their cities further to the right than is conservatively acceptable.

So, I look at this for what it is: The City Of Berkeley is under attack by blackmailing right-wing lawmakers and outside agitators. Perhaps we should defend Berkeley while asserting a radical solution/agenda.


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