Wednesday, August 06, 2008

new cat

Today, we adopted a cat. She came from the Tri-Valley East Bay SPCA in Dublin and before that she was most likely a stray.

The facility she was in was pretty plush. The cats had full on rooms. However, most animal shelters are nowhere near that nice. The sister shelter in Oakland had the cats in large cages and I think that is more the norm.

Visiting the shelters you see so many sweet cats and dogs who have been abandoned in some way or another. They are all so damn eager for attention.

If you want a companion animal for life, I highly recommend rescuing an adult cat or dog. (Although I am not going to push adoption on anyone that is not 110% sure they are ready for that!) The SPCA also takes donations. They obviously accept money but are also in need of items that you may have, throw out, or come by easily- such as: newspapers, towels, pens, bleach, and paper towels. (You can also donate pet food and litter!)

SPCA Wish List


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