Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kanye: Patriot

Kanye West did some MTV special where he greets USA troops coming back from occupying Iraq. (I ain't gonna search out a link to place here. Find the show if you want to.)

So, Bill O'Reilly declared Kanye West a patriot.

Now the blogosphere is lit up with how inaccurate O'Reilly's declaration is.
Funny. Kanye West shows his gratitude to US soldiers who occupied a country to protect American wealth and Kanye's economic interests and suddenly his fans think a right-wing bastard has got it wrong. Sorry Kanye fans- you got it twisted.

This all goes to the notion of being "anti-war" but not "anti-troops." As if one can take a stance against a theft but support the thieves.
The wide acceptance of this concept might be one of the biggest post-Vietnam War victories of the US right-wing.
The favorite pasttime of America: Cognitive Dissonance.
We allow people to willingly join and be the muscle behind sinister plans and then relieve them of any fault. Remember a lot of the Nazis were 'just following orders' too.

Fuck the US occupation of Iraq & Afghanistan!


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