Wednesday, January 16, 2008

quick thoughts: Women in Comix

It just occurred to me (as I was lusting over Gina Carano and thinking of what super-hero she would be best suited to play) that, in fact, DC Comics has more female costumed heroes and more powerful (in strength and character) females than Marvel Comics. I would have thought it to be the opposite.

I have long been more loyal to Marvel and I think I am not alone in having the perception that Marvel is more "modern." DC is older and maybe it seems like more of their characters have roots in the 1950's. Not to mention the frequency of names with "lad" or "girl" in them. However, now that I think about it, Marvel might be too reliant on 1990's era huge muscles & huge boobs.

I can easily think of several strong major characters in the DC universe (even Wonder Woman's current image as written by a woman!). What major books/teams in the Marvel Universe have strong female characters? The X-Men? The only notable strong adult woman mutant is Emma Frost who runs around in lingerie, seduces married men, and is all around manipulative. The Avengers do fair better with Spider-Woman and the mighty Ms. Marvel. DC's Birds Of Prey book (which I have not read) has garnered good reviews.Whereas, Marvel's second or third string female team book, Heroes For Hire, was even recently involved in a scandal due to a violence-fetishizing cover. Hell, look no further than Marvel's editor-in-chief, Joe Quesada, who, after Spider-Man's "OMD", seems to suffer from Women In Refrigerators syndrome.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Anyone want to argue differently?

Too bad DC killed off Big Barda.

an interesting further read


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