Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Collective Punishment

Collective punishment is a real asshole move.
Collective Punishment is when an occupying power punishes a group of people as a result of the behaviour of one or more other individuals or groups. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions.

Britain used collective punishment against the American colonies in response to the Boston Tea Party.
Germany's whole Nazi program was based on collective punishment.
USSR used mass deportations as a form of collective punishment.
USA used collective punishment to terrorize Vietnam into submission.

Today, Zionist Israel constantly uses this war crime as a genocidal means to eliminate any resistance by Palestinians and even Palestinians themselves.
Recently Israel enforced a large scale blockade of Gaza. In effect, it left Gaza residents without power, water, food, or medical care.
The crisis is enormous! Still under international pressure, Israel has refused to end the blockade. The intended damage is already done.

This is a humanitarian crisis as a result of nothing more than imperialist racism by Israel.

Gaza needs help!
To make a donation to help the people in the Gaza Strip go to
Please indicate that your donation is for the GAZA EMERGENCY FUND.

If you are in the SF Bay Area, hit up the Israeli consulate on Friday, Jan. 25, 4-6 p.m.
Let them know what fuckin' scumbags they are.

(thanx Josh)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the link. I'll make a donation next paycheck.

2:47 PM  

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