Wednesday, August 29, 2007


As a little kid growing up in Wyoming, I would play 'Convoy' with my best friend. We would each pretend to be truckers and talk in trucker lingo and hate on law enforcement.
It was all based around the film Convoy but we both had real-life truckers in our families and we were really intrigued by the lifestyle/profession. I still have a lot of respect for truck drivers. The shit they have to deal with is awful.

I just had the opportunity to re-watch the film Convoy. I didn't expect much from it but I wanted to see it as an adult.
All the trucker lingo is in there, good buddy. I also found something in the film I didn't expect; progressive politics!

The film was released in 1978 and I think progressive politics were a lot more pervasive in society than they are now.
How many recent films can you think of where the cop is the villain?.. and not for doing anything other than being an over-zealous and anti-union pig?!

The plot is paper thin and the impetus for their convoy is a bit convoluted but it does involve an entire restaurant standing up to a racist cop.
As the convoy progresses and turns into a political protest, we see the "leader" Rubber Duck (played by Kris Kristofferson) voice anti-hierarchical attitudes and other truckers articulate grievances with "big money" and racist oppression.

It all ends with a deep distrust of politicians and unrepentant "criminals" as heroes.


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