Monday, June 29, 2009

Melissa Roxas Press Conference on Abduction

Melissa Roxas is a Filipina US citizen. She was in the Philippines doing research as a health volunteer for her writing project.

This is pretty heavy and I encourage you all to watch it (and to struggle against state sanctioned torture in the Philippines and at Gitmo).

Melissa Roxas' Press Conference (2 of 4): Statement by Melissa Roxas from Habi Arts on Vimeo.

On May 19, 2009 she was captured and tortured for 6 days before being released.

In a press conference, she describes the abduction and torture she was subject to from the Philippine military.

Roxas is the first known US citizen to be abducted and tortured in the Philippines during the Obama administration and is seeking justice. The Arroyo presidency in the Philippines has overseen several hundred kidnapping, disappearances, torture, murder, and rape of activists, students, scholars, and educators in the name of the military which is funded by US dollars.


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