Wednesday, May 20, 2009

24 loves torture and hates abortion

Popular TV show 24 is nothing more than an indoctrination tool of the neo-con rightwing.

The show tells us that our unsuspecting brown neighbors could be terrorist sleeper cells. It tells us that torture is cool and produces legit results.

24's season 8 finale sneakily told the audience that abortion is murder.
"You not only killed my wife, you killed my son!" a character yelled as he sought retribution for the killing of his pregnant wife.

You can read the rightwing blogosphere's take on it. They understood the meaning.

I can't believe there hasn't been more of an uproar over the government's creating laws that punish killers for taking two lives if the victim was pregnant. I think most people think that is too heinous to speak out about. Too heinous to appear as if cutting the killer any slack. However, if we want abortion to be safe and available, we must retain a consistent vigilance. You can't kill someone who isn't born.


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