Thursday, November 06, 2008

"Git Yer Guns!"

The first thing my father pointed to about why he supported Sarah Palin as Vice President was her enthusiasm for guns. I actually don't know if Palin was much of a gun enthusiast. All I know is that she liked hunting.

The first thing my father said about Obama winning the election was "stock up on bullets!" as if the government was on the way to collect guns.
I told him that Palin wouldn't want people like me having guns anyway.

fuckin paranoid Americans

I am all for an armed populace. We need to dismiss the Liberal fear of guns.
But trust me neither Republicans nor Democrats want guns available for much else than White hunters or right-wing patriots.
If you are White, don't live in a metropolitan area, rant against the UN but still love the USA and collect weapons, you are A-OK.
If you are anything else and you collect weapons- The FBI/ATF will be shortly knocking on your door!

The NRA and the GOP are not trying to protect our rights to arm ourselves.

(Someone needs to get a copy of 'Turn Up The Heat' by Felix Von Havok from Profane Existence #18 online!)


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