Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bill Ayers and an era

Gary Leupp wrote an excellent piece regarding MccCain/Palin's bringing up Bill Ayers and what it really means.

While John McCain was killing civilians in a bullshit imperialist war, Bill Ayers was acting to aid the positive change that made it possible for a Black man to even run for president. An era that McCain, especially Palin, and Republicans in general seek to undo!

Palin has been explicitly vague on Ayers' supposed terrorism other than to say he blew up buildings and killed people. He was not convicted of any crimes and he did not cause any casualties. She is vague precisely to let your imagination wander and play with the term "terrorist" present tense.

Defend Bill Ayers!

Hell, by the current US definitions of torture, McCain wasn't even tortured in Vietnam.


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