Thursday, June 21, 2007

shitting to lose weight

Last night, The Colbert Report hipped me to a new weight-loss product; Alli.

Apparently Alli has the oh-so-pleasant side effects of oily gas leakage and advises users to wear dark pants or carry a change of clothes..
Alli says of the fat it prevents your body from absorbing: "you may recognize it in the toilet as something that looks like the oil on top of a pizza."

Mel showed me that the ever considerate Alli provides an online "Accident Support Group."
The posts are hilarious.

Fat Americans who would rather shit themselves than exercise rule.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, the point is to lower the fat in one's diet so that shit doesn't happen. but you know americans and their cheeseburgers. it's not a miracle pill and it will only make you shit if you consume too much fat.

11:20 AM  

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