AZ Immigration Law is Racist. Surprise!

The Immigration Law Reform Institute (ILRI) helped draft AZ's new law allowing the law to demand identification from anyone.
ILRI was established by The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).
The founder, chief ideologue and long-time funder of FAIR [John Tanton] is a racist. Key staff members have ties to white supremacist groups, some are members, and some have spoken at hate group functions. FAIR has accepted more than $1 million from a racist foundation devoted to studies of race and IQ, and to eugenics - the pseudo-science of breeding a better human race that was utterly discredited by the Nazi euthanasia program. It spreads racist conspiracy theories.
FAIR/ILRI are pushing racist shit in other states including California. They also get paid to train Sheriff Joe Arpaio's men on how to round up Brown people.
Arizona State Senate Majority leader Chuck Gray, a proponent of the recent immigration bill, was following 2 Nazi organizations' feeds on Twitter... until he was called out this past week.

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