Hard Work Rewards Are A Myth
We are sold the lie that America is a working meritocracy. We are taught that if we just work hard enough, we too can be among the wealthy.
Business Management offers this great visual for understanding income in equality in the U.S. Each light blue figure in this visual represents 50 years of work at minimum wage (making $15,080 a year); the medium blue figures represent 50 years of work at the average wage (making $40,690 a year); the dark blue figures represent 50 years as the President of the United States (making $400,000 a year).
Business Management offers this great visual for understanding income in equality in the U.S. Each light blue figure in this visual represents 50 years of work at minimum wage (making $15,080 a year); the medium blue figures represent 50 years of work at the average wage (making $40,690 a year); the dark blue figures represent 50 years as the President of the United States (making $400,000 a year).

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