Saturday, August 08, 2009

APOC vs. CrimethInc.

A lot has been written about what went down when some APOCers "evicted" some White CrimethIncers.

I have not read/digested/analyzed all those links so I probably linked to articles I strongly disagree with. I also don't mean to give air to whining White kids slumming it up.

Elliott Liu & Harjit Singh Gill produced the best piece I have read that addresses the action/debate.
Their main point is: APOC movement can’t be about white people, and affecting the behavior of white radicals shouldn’t be the first thing on our to-do list. Instead, we think APOCistas should concentrate on building anarchist movement within oppressed communities of color as our primary task. The needs and desires of communities of color should be our main focus, and any attempt to change the white left should follow from there.

They suggest embedding themselves in communities of color, doing base-building work and growing organizations and networks there, and mobilizing from them. And that attacking the likes of CrimethInc or ANSWER divides anarchist movement with ineffective yelling matches while ignoring the bigger racist power structure that kills our people every day.

If APOC movement is to be anything more than a nagging conscience for white radicals, and if it is to build movement through which communities of color can liberate themselves.

We hope to see fewer actions in which a few isolated anarchists of color call out their fellow radicals for reflecting the machine of white supremacy, and more actions in which broad anarchist bases in communities of color strike the machine itself.

Let's face it: race/racism/privilege is a topic that most (White) anarchist circles actively/consciously reject dealing with (and thus continue to embrace).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole situation is so fucking hilarious.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crimethinc and apoc deserve each other. I'm glad that there is a humor in the world.

matt lucas

12:04 PM  

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