Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Shook Ones <3 Same Sex Marriage

From Shook Ones:

So here’s the deal: all of us in Shook Ones and at Paper + Plastick believe one thing: gay marriage should exist. The discussion of same sex marriage rights is not the brainchild of some “gay agenda.” In fact, it is an issue that exists independent of the context in which it finds itself. The issue is Civil Rights and putting an end to the “separate but equal” ideas that should have died with the civil rights advances of the 60’s.

So here’s what we are doing: We are making an exclusive song available for digital download right now. The song is called “Breakfast for Dinner”, the cost is $1 and all of the proceeds (all of them) are going to be donated to the groups who are fighting on behalf of same sex couples in California (Lambda legal, ACLU of California, and Equality California)
The song is a sort of follow up to “order form” and deals with the passage of Proposition 8. More specifically, it deals with how many minority groups in California voted in much higher percentages to support the proposition, and how I was completely disappointed that these minorities who supported it were failing to draw comparisons between this bill and the struggles of minorities in this country.

All under one roof, but the servants entrance for you
and we’ll lock that deadbolt.
On Tuesday night, 
that’s what 70% of all those who should know better said. 
Talk me through how verbs of connotation escaped you. 
I need to understand how you can draw this distinction 
Without reciting from your old book. 
You know as I do that this is no place 
To make believe the issue, or cite majority volition
It’s about principle, of which you all have none. 
I dare you to make me understand how you think. 
I believe there’s no way to reach you.
There’s no way to reach you. 
Cause I don’t think there is any hope. 
There’s no way to reach you. 
Man on top: you will know and you’ll see
That forgiveness is a two way street. 
So whoever you are, you’re gonna be out of luck
Talk me through how verbs of connotation escaped you. 
I need to understand how you can draw this distinction
(it’s about principle of which you all have none)
Talk me through how verbs of connotation escaped you. 
I dare you to make me understand. 
Is there no way to reach you? 


(I didn't even know Shook Ones were still together)


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