Saturday, May 30, 2009

Very Quick Thoughts on Judge Sotomayor

It is outright laughable that rightwingers (many of whom have promoted racism directly and indirectly) would like to now declare Sotomayor a racist. Her statements simply acknowledge that one's heritage and environment affect one's choices and decisions. Uh, ya... of course.
It is White men such as Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh who seem to think that only White men are qualified to frame debates on race and declare who is racist... and that is never a White man apparently.

Of course, Sotomayor has proven herself to not be in favor of an armed populace. She deemed that the Second Amendment does not apply to state and local governments. (A civil right is a civil right, and no level of government should have immunity from the exercise of that right, nor the authority to regulate that right to the level of a privilege.)
I am sure this is enough to send the rightwing gun lobby into a fucking tizzy. It is interesting that so much of the right has a history of waving the flag of state's rights on issues ranging from racial segregation to abortion to recently, federal bailout funds which they called tyranny but is decidedly opposed to state sovereignty with arms.

Afterall, we are going to need our guns in the upcoming civil war.

(thanx Pranjal)


Blogger AC said...

Here here. Or hear hear, whichever is correct.

11:29 PM  

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