Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stay The Course

CrimethInc. put out an analysis of the political climate following the election / a plea for anarchists to maintain networks and confrontational organizing.

(I am sometimes very critical of some stuff coming out 'CrimethInc.' approved but this analysis is right on.)

"Obama has ridden to power on the same social currents that radicals have relied on to propel their organizing and outreach over the past eight years: disgust with the excesses of empire, longing for more fairness and sociability in daily life, optimism about vague alternatives. It is no coincidence that the liberal anti-war movement died out just as the presidential campaigns got underway; the race effectively subsumed the energy of all not explicitly critical of representative democracy. This cooptation of popular momentum is as essential to the disempowerment of the populace..."

" it would be strategic for an anarchist mobilization to focus on economic issues and economic targets"


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