Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rachel Ray, Dunkin Donuts, & Michelle Malkin

After pressure from Right-Wing Zionists, Dunkin Donuts pulled an ad featuring Rachel Ray. Why? Because Ray was wearing a scarf and that scarf looked a little too similar to a keffiyeh for the likes of self-hating Right-Winger, Michelle Malkin.

On the one hand, I don't mind folks like Malkin freaking out about keffiyehs. It is better than hipsters wearing the scarves oblivious to the socio-political emergency of Palestinians and their history of struggle. However, it does spell out that the right-wing is so fearful of losing European/American cultural hegemony that contemporary fashion which might be simply influenced by Palestinian/Arab culture becomes a threat.

When Dunkin Donuts pulled the ad, Malkin praised, ‘‘It’s refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists.’’
"Apologists"- That just means anyone who attempts to question her blatantly flawed attack on a paisley scarf and Oprah's cooking protege.


Check this out: The Dalai Lama is a CIA operative

(thanx Mel)


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