Wednesday, August 22, 2007

green chic

(I Wanted to title this entry "Eco Chic" but that is a slogan used by the company I work for and I don't want them searching and finding this blog. haha)

This boom of eco-friendly/sustainable/green consumer ism is such Liberal bullshit!
Worried about the effects human destructiveness and production have had on our planet? Fine, buy more shit and don't change your ways. Yep, that ought to fix everything.

The company I work for is completely caught up in it. One of our top selling products is made from bamboo and marketed as 'sustainable' and 'green.'
Of course, in reality, fibers extracted from bamboo and made into the products they/we sell are anything but helpful to the environment. Bamboo is more easily replenished but the entire process is no more helpful to the Earth.
Yet, the product is sold and promoted as sustainable and eco-friendly.

Just an example of how all these green products are more a part of a fad and less about saving the planet.


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