Sunday, April 30, 2006

animal liberation

I support animal liberation. I support the idea of people carrying out actions in defense of or support for animal liberation.
I cannot unconditionally support animal rights/liberation as a "movement."

As a "movement", animal liberation is akin to liberal feminism.
They both espouse general ideas that I do support. However, both fail to fundamentally challenge this system.
Like liberal feminism, animal rights/liberation is the playground of privileged bourgeoisie.

Moreover, animal rights/liberation relies too heavily on a moral component.
The images of non-human torture/subjegation evoke an emotional response that human torture/suffering/oppression cannot only because the images and information of human torture/suffering cannot be made public. This imperial system is far more reliant on human oppression than non-human subjegation.
State and corporate power rely directly on human oppression. A liberal altenative (such as vegan diet) cannot be offered for ending human opression.

If animal liberation seeks to place the subjegation of non-humans on par with the oppression of humans, it would have to fundamentally put as much energy and effort into both struggles (or both avenues of struggle).
However, simply from a strategic standpoint, if one desires to radically end the subjegation of non-human animals (and/or the living planet), the only means to accomplish this is through human liberation (otherwise one is simply seeking escapist consumer power).

-shane danger


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