Monday, September 14, 2009

Spider-Man Says Rape is OK?

OK, well, Spidey ain't down with rape but his writer, Fred Van Lente, and the villain,Chameleon, are.

Chameleon tricked Peter Parker's roommate into thinking he was Parker and then fucked her. Rape.

Douchebag writer Van Lente doesn't see it that way. He says,
"My understanding of the definition of rape is that it requires force or the threat of force, so no. Using deception to trick someone into granting consent isn't quite the same thing."

Sounds like a date-rapist.
He even went on, after-the-fact, to try and say that they only kissed (which is a-ok, I guess). Bullshit.
Marvel shouldn't hire Fred Van Lente again until he gets an understanding of coercion.

Please note: The issue is not whether or not Chameleon is allowed to be a rapist in a comic book. The issue is that the writer defends the action as not rape.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the dictionary, that wasn't coercion either.

And if you don't think Marvel already knew this was coming out, you're kidding yourself. They already read and approved this story, and apparently had no problem, so they're not gonna be putting restrictions on Van Lente.

And if the story that comes out tomorrow says that no sex occurred, his response isn't "bullshit" - there's no time to edit these things that fast. Unless you mean it's bullshit that he's trying to make it all better by saying no sex occurred, in which case I agree, it isn't all better. But if the story says no sex happened, then he's telling the truth.

10:30 PM  

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