Friday, May 01, 2009

RightWing : Shifting Into Overdrive

Those rightwing fuckers are having a bang-up year. They are full steam ahead.

Over at Orcinus, Sara Robinson posted a decent and thorough review of the Obama era USA RightWing. Sara is clearly a Liberal and I don't agree with everything she writes but it doesn't get in the way too much.

While reading the following, I suggest asking yourself 2 questions:
1. What kind of shit would hit the fan if you replaced rightwing with leftwing/anarchist?
2. What needs to be done on our part to combat this rightwing momentum?

The far right wing has been laying the groundwork for violent action for decades... First: their story is apocalyptic, insisting that the end of the world as we've known it is near. Second: it divides the world into a Good-versus-Evil/Us-versus-Them dualism that encourages the group to interpret even small personal, social, or political events as major battles in a Great Cosmic Struggle -- a habit of mind that leads the group to demonize anyone who disagrees with them. This struggle also encourages members to invest everyday events with huge existential meaning, and as a result sometimes overreact wildly to very mundane stuff.

Third: this split allows for a major retreat from consensus reality and the mainstream culture... Fourth: insiders feel like they're a persecuted, prophetic elite who are being opposed by wicked, tyrannical forces. Left to fester, this paranoia will eventually drive the group to make concrete preparations for self-defense -- and perhaps go on the offense against their perceived persecutors. Fifth: communities following this logic will also advocate the elimination of their enemies by any means necessary, in order to purify the world for their ideology.

war on evidence-based science and reason that's always been at the heart of conservative arguments

They're not even bothering to try to attach these claims to any kind of truth. Their fantasies are so much truthier to them... there's no expert and no amount of real-world evidence that can ever convince us otherwise.

It's not unreasonable to expect that over the next year or two, we'll start to hear about a new round of separatist compounds; and that a few states will become right-wing havens where secessionist talk will turn more serious.

The right wing long ago accepted a foundational narrative that justifies violence. Now, the leaders of the movement are inciting their followers to take many (if not most) of the intermediate steps that signal a group actively gearing up for violence. From this point, it's only a short slide to further separation, disengagement, and finally confrontation.


Just search 'militia' online and see all the amazingly crazy shit you find!
Not all militias have to belong to them!


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