Monday, September 01, 2008

PETA: still lame

A while back, I criticized PETA for their imperialistic/racist stunt offering to pay the US government for advertising on its border wall.
I wrote to PETA telling them why their action was offensive and calling on them to analyze their internal racism which has had the tendency to pop up.
Well, I got a form letter from PETA explaining to me that they must imply shock to grab peoples' attention. No mention of racism. No analysis of their action. Certainly no promise of investigating the organization's racism.

A tactic such as PETA's was not principled. Principle is the key difference between right and wrong with "shock."
Is ANYTHING acceptable for one's end goal? Well, perhaps ALMOST ANYTHING is but what if the tactic runs counter not to a specific goal but a broader goal? These struggles are connected and I don't mean that to be vegan, one must be anti-sexist or something. However, PETA wouldn't want to be an explicit White supremacist organization in order to get everyone vegan.
Offering support to one's enemy (as defined by general broad goals or hopes) is undisciplined. Of course, if PETA does not view USA and/or the border fence as an "enemy" then THAT is a topic for criticism because that makes them racist/imperialists (if they are ok with being a racist/imperialist organization, then it isn't worth the critique as much as labelling them as the enemy).


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