Wednesday, December 13, 2006

ویکیپدیا مرکز خراب اخبر است

The Iranian Foreign Ministry recently hosted the "International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust" and caused a big uproar in Europe and USA.

The conference was set up not to deny or confirm the holocaust of Jews by Nazis but to supposedly provide "an appropriate scientific atmosphere for scholars to offer their opinions in freedom about a historical issue."
This seems to be a kind of slap in the face to many European Liberal Democracies because such a discussion or debate would be illegal.
Questioning the extent of the holocaust is considered Holocaust denial and is illegal in twelve European countries including France, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands and Poland.

Furthermore, the conference was to explore " the hidden and unhidden angles of this most important political issue of the 20th century."
This is what gets Iran and specifically Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad into trouble. Iran confronts the fact that the fallout of this holocaust has had ramifications. One such ramification that Iran especially likes to address is, of course, the construction of the Zionist state and the subjegation and oppression of native Palestinians.

"If the official version of the Holocaust is thrown into doubt, then the identity and nature of Israel will be thrown into doubt. And if, during this review, it is proved that the Holocaust was a historical reality, then what is the reason for the Muslim people of the region and the Palestinians having to pay the cost of the Nazis' crimes?"
-Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki

The conference brought a pretty wild group together.
It included David Duke: US racist fascist fuck (his new fucked up plastic surgery makes him look like a burn survivor!), several Europeans who deny the holocaust happened and have been imprisoned for such beliefs, and members of Jews United Against Zionism.
An invited Israeli Arab lawyer, Khaled Kasab Mahameed, was denied permission to attend the conference by Iran after the discovery of his holding Israeli citizenship. Iran does not grant visas to Israelis.

Now, I know the Nazis perpetrated a holocaust against Jews (along with Roma, Catholics, homosexuals, and others) during their reign but what interests me is that any discussion of this genocide is condemned if it is not pre-designed to support the state of Israel and Zionism.


Blogger shane said...

An interesting account of the rather large Jewish population in Iran:

12:59 PM  

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