Wednesday, May 10, 2006

online celebrity: MySpace + Playboy

The only thing worse than a celebrity is an online wanna-be celebrity!

Playboy is featuring a 'Girls Of MySpace' feature in the June issue of the magazine.
MySpace is not taking an active role in the feature but has sold Playboy MySpace advertising.

Playboy has "been overwhelmed with the number and quality of submissions".
Playboy recognizes how hot a cultural property MySpace has become and only asks that the applicants be 18 or over.

I find it unfortunate that a despicable business such as Playboy has been able to easily insert itself into the largest community website.
I don't doubt that a large portion of MySpace users have no qualms with Playboy.
The problem is that what could be used as a more-or-less peer-to-peer "communication" tool so easily supplants that "communication" with the seeking of approval as deemed by the unreal standards set by Playboy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna get a load of the 'girls of enron'

10:47 PM  

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