Sunday, April 02, 2006

anarchy in the real world

For security, Iraqis rely on "neighborhood watches."
In the absense of state security, Iraqis form informal groups to fend off enemy militias & death squads.

If a state system were to collapse, utopia doesn't 'pop' up.
Mad Max shit does and if we are not ready with organization and a foundation, our dreams will die.

3 teenagers allegedly broke into a water storage facility near Boston after cutting barbed wire and slicing the lines to an alarm.
2 15-year-old boys are charged with malicious destruction of property, tampering with a public water supply and polluting the water supply, all felonies. They were also charged with trespassing.

Derek Jensen always said it could be that easy.

These kids have youth on their side as wll as not acting on behalf of any radical ideology.
Perhaps that presents a new tactic?


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