Thursday, January 26, 2006

Palestinian election zeal

Hamas has swept Palestinian legislative elections!

Hamas is an Islamist Party and considered "terrorist" by Israel, USA, & European Union.
The party will have won control of Palestinian parliament from Fatah.

This huge Hamas victory can be attributed to a few things.
First of all, most Palestinians consider Fatah to be corrupt and ineffective (although the old school Fatah have maintained an unfair grip on power and have been corrupted by power and the influence of Israel and USA, its ineffectiveness is primarily a result of Israeli terms being imposed upon it.)
(It should be noted that at one point, Israel funded Hamas in a divide and conquer strategy against secular left-wing PLO factions.)
Another key point in the popularity of Hamas is the party's unapologetic stance as an anti-Zionist resistance movement. On the other hand, Fatah has largely accepted a role as bantustan leadership. If Fatah wants to maintain a popular role, I suggest they turn to imprisoned Fatah leader, Marwan Barghouti.

Until VERY recently, Fatah had refused to form a coalition with Hamas.
Israel & USA have said that they will refuse to acknowledge Hamas as the legitimate spokesparty of Palestine.


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