Tuesday, February 07, 2006

seeking cartoonists

A prominent Iranian newspaper said it would hold a competition for cartoons on the Holocaust to test whether the West extends the principle of freedom of expression to the Nazi genocide as it did to the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

A coworker asked me if I had seen these caricatures of Muhammad. I told her I had.
She asked if they were "bad." I asked her to define bad.
She asked me if they were racist and I replied yes.

Look- Fuck Religion!
Why do you think The Catholic Church is siding with irate Muslims on this issue?!

For every European embassy/mission burned, I lay partial blame on the US & European governments and their neo-con New World Order.
When you eliminate the actual possibility of secular dissent (as the US helped Iran and most of the Arab world do) and in its place foster a fundamentalist Islam (as the US did in Afghanistan and other parts of the Islamic world), this is the reaction you get!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read some of your stuff in the past, and I'm reading some of your stuff now. So much hatred from you. You must be an angry person deep down inside. You can try to front that you're all hard and want to fight the world (on the internet), but all that anger that comes out of you must be from a deep hole inside of you that's eating you up. Instead of trying to preach all the time, you may need to hear some preaching yourself.

Religion organized by man IS pretty bad. Man always has his own motives. The bible on the other hand are scriptures that were His words. That is the book to live by, but I won't go too deep into that. I don't think you're ready!

People like you who are athiest and can't stand governments are simply immature adults who hate answering to a higher power, even though there ARE higher people than you in this society.

If you're an athiest, then you must believe in the evolution of animals, including us. If you do, then I'm sure you completely understand that there is even government type organization in the animal kingdom which is called a hierarchy. This goes from a group of little ants to a group of big lions. Now, unless you're the alpha male, or plan on taking his spot, then you need to accept the rules of the governing body, or simply leave the pride.

Sorry to say white boy, but you do have a leader and his name is George W. Bush. He was elected by the majority of the United States of America. Now, unless you plan on taking over this alpha male's spot, I suggest you accept the rules layed out by him and his organization, or you can simply leave the soil and pride that his authority has ruling on. Because if you don't, you're just going to stay that angry anti everything white boy that posts hatred all day.

You're already well into your 30's bro. It's about time for you to grow up already, don't you think?

Blog you!

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy's a loser. Better angry than numb and deluded.

10:32 AM  

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